The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

pneumoconiose des houilleurs [1 record]

Record 1 2012-02-03


Subject field(s)
  • The Lungs
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Mining Dangers and Mine Safety

An occupational disease of coal workers resulting from deposition of coal dust in the lungs.


Black lung disease is the common name for coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) or anthracosis, a lung disease of older workers in the coal industry, caused by inhalation, over many years, of small amounts of coal dust.


anthracosis: A histological term describing the accumulation of black pigment in lung tissue or in other organs. In the lung the accumulation often appears as macular lesions, usually in a centrilobular location, along the walls of bronchioles, but also along interlobular septa or in the subpleural space. This pigment is mainly composed of carbonaceous material and may originate from cigarette smoke (or other smoked drugs, such as crack cocaine), atmospheric pollution, residential exposure to wood (or biomass) smoke or occupational exposure to carbon-containing dusts, such as diesel exhaust, soot, fly ash, carbon black, graphite and coal. Thus a more or less marked degree of anthracosis may be found in nonsmoking urban residents from heavily polluted areas or in inhabitants (often females) of poor countries with a cold climate (so-called 'hut lung'). Anthracosis is only rarely associated with overt pulmonary disease, except after prolonged, heavy, usually occupational exposure, when the condition is preferably labelled as a pneumoconiosis, e.g. graphite pneumoconiosis (graphitosis) or coal workers pneumoconiosis. The latter pneumoconiosis is often called anthracosilicosis (particularly in continental Europe), because this pneumoconiosis has been considered to be caused predominantly by the silica content of coal dust. While this may be true in many instances, the use of anthracosilicosis to indicate coal worker's pneumoconiosis is probably not entirely appropriate, because the pathology of coal workers pneumoconiosis is different from that of silicosis.


black phthisis; colliers' phtisis: obsolete.


bituminosis; melanedema; miners' asthma: obsolete and incorrect.


  • Poumons
  • Santé et sécurité au travail
  • Exploitation minière (dangers et sécurité)

Pneumoconiose due à une infiltration massive de poussières de charbon chez des individus exposés professionnellement à une atmosphère très polluée.


L'existence d'anthracose pure est controversée. Il semble qu'il s'agisse plus souvent d'une anthracosilicose, la silice entrant en plus ou moins grande quantité dans la composition de la poussière de charbon.


Comparer avec «anthracose» et avec «anthracosilicose».


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Pulmones
  • Salud y seguridad en el trabajo
  • Explotación minera (peligros y seguridad)

neumoconiosis: es un proceso respiratorio crónico, de marcha tórpida, que consiste en una fibrosis pulmonar linfoectásica consecutiva a la inhalación de diversas clases de polvos, aspirados durante años en el ejercicio de distintas profesiones (molineros, mineros, picapedreros, etc.)


La primera [neumoconiosis producida por polvos inorgánicos] conocida fue la antracosis, tan frecuente entre los mineros de carbón. Hoy se sabe que no es producida por el polvo de carbón, sino por el cuarzo mezclado con él, o sea que en realidad es una silicosis


artículo 153. 12. antracosis. Mineros (de las minas de carbón), carboneros, herreros, soldadores, forjadores, fundidores, fogoneros, deshollinadores y demás trabajadores expuestos a inhalación de polvos de carbón de hulla, grafito y antracita.

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2025
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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