Lieu de réalisation
Maison des sciences de l'Homme de la société du Sud-Est, MSHS
Langues :
Anglais, Français
Hervé ANDRES (Réalisation), Hans Siebers (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/fwnr-7f93
Citer cette ressource :
Hans Siebers. Univ_CotedAzur. (2018, 12 janvier). Séminaire Urmis Nice "Frontières et altérité" - Séance du 12 janvier 2018 à 14h30 avec Hans Siebers, (Tilburg University), "In search of the factors and mechanisms that erect ethnic boundaries , in institutional settings". [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 25 avril 2024)

Séminaire Urmis Nice "Frontières et altérité" - Séance du 12 janvier 2018 à 14h30 avec Hans Siebers, (Tilburg University), "In search of the factors and mechanisms that erect ethnic boundaries , in institutional settings"

Réalisation : 12 janvier 2018 - Mise en ligne : 12 janvier 2018
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Séminaire diffusé en streaming de 14h30 à 16h30.

La vidéo sera consultable en différé à partir du lundi 15 janvier 2018.

Publication de référence :

Hans SIEBERS (2017) What turns migrants into ethnic minorities at work? Factors erecting ethnic boundaries among Dutch police officcers. Sociology, 51(3): 608-625.


Transnational migration flows have revitalised the interest in ethnicity in social sciences. The ethnic boundary approach (Barth, Wimmer) argues for a non-essentialist understanding of ethnicity and calls for detecting the factors that turn migrants into ethnic minorities. Based on ethnographic fieldwork among Dutch police officers between 2008 and 2013, this article presents three factors that together constitute a structural framework that produces events of ethnic boundary construction (salient ethnic identity plus ethnic closure) between migrant and non-migrant officers: (1) ethnicised precarity; (2) ethnic conflicts triggered by the ethnicising discourse in Dutch media and politics on migrants and migration; and (3) the quasi-therapeutic management style applied in the police organisation. It further calls for a differentiated understanding of migrants’ precarity, questions explanations of ethnic closure in terms of stereotypes and critically scrutinises socio-psychological approaches of ethnicity and diversity management.

Keywords cultural fundamentalism, discrimination, diversity, ethnicity, ethnic boundaries, ethnic inequality, labour control, labour market, migrants, precarity


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