General Terms and Conditions of Sale for Services

Last updated on 05/10/2021






Between the Company, Jean-Baptiste LARDOUX

54, rue Saint Maur, 75011 Paris

registered with the Trade and Companies Register of PARIS,

under the SIREN number: 753476613,

represented by Mr. Jean-Baptiste LARDOUX

as manager,

duly authorized for the purposes hereof.

The company can be reached by email by clicking on the contact form accessible via the home page of the site.
Hereinafter referred to as the "Seller" or the "Company".
On the one hand,
And the natural or legal person purchasing products or services from the company,

Hereinafter, "the Buyer", or "the Customer"
On the other hand,
It has been exposed and agreed as follows:


The Seller is the publisher of the platform of link reduction services for consumers, marketed through the website ( The list and description of the services offered by the Company can be consulted on the above-mentioned sites.

Article 1: Purpose

The present General Conditions of Sale determine the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the online sale of the services offered by the Seller.

Article 2: General provisions

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTCS) govern the sale of services, made through the Company's website, and are an integral part of the Contract between the Buyer and the Seller. They are fully opposable to the Buyer who has accepted them before subscribing to an offer or quotation.
The Seller reserves the right to modify the present terms and conditions at any time by publishing a new version on its website. The applicable GTC are those in force at the date of payment (or first payment in case of multiple payments) of the order. These GTC are available on the Company's website at the following address

The Company also ensures that their acceptance is clear and without reservation by setting up a checkbox and a validation click when subscribing to an offer. The Client declares that he/she has read all of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, and, where applicable, the special terms and conditions of sale related to a service, and accepts them without restriction or reservation.

The Client acknowledges that he/she has benefited from the advice and information necessary to ensure that the offer meets his/her needs.
The Customer declares that he/she is legally capable of contracting under French law or that he/she validly represents the individual or legal entity for which he/she is contracting.
Unless proven otherwise, the information recorded by the Company constitutes proof of all transactions.

Article 3: Conclusion of the online contract

In accordance with the provisions of Article 1127-1 of the Civil Code, the Client must follow a series of steps to conclude the contract by electronic means in order to subscribe to the chosen offer:

  • Information on the essential characteristics of the service; Choice of the service or offer
  • Indication of the Customer's essential details (identification, email, company name)
  • Acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale

When subscribing to the offer, the buyer will have to pay the entire month or year according to the option chosen for the personal, startup, pro, company offers.

In the case of custom-made quotations, a deposit may be requested upon signature of the quotation, and the balance must be paid at the end of the service or according to the payment schedule stipulated in the quotation.

Article 9 : Late payment

In the event of total or partial non-payment of the services delivered, the purchaser must pay to the company a penalty of delay equal to three times the legal interest rate.
The legal interest rate retained is that in force on the day of the delivery of the services.

This penalty is calculated on the amount including all taxes of the sum remaining due, and runs from the due date of the price without any prior formal notice being necessary.
In addition to the late payment penalties, any sum, including the deposit, not paid on its due date, will automatically result in the payment of a fixed penalty of 40 euros due for collection costs.
Articles 441-6, I paragraph 12 and D. 441-5 of the Commercial Code.

Article 10: Resolutive clause

If in the fifteen days which follow the implementation of the clause "Delay of payment", the purchaser did not discharge the sums remaining due, the sale will be solved of right and will be able to open right to the allocation of damages to the profit of the company

Article 11 : Services

The essential characteristics of the services and their respective prices are made available to the buyer on the company's website, as well as, if necessary, the method of use of the product. In accordance with Article L112-1 of the Consumer Code, the consumer is informed, by means of marking, labelling, display or any other appropriate process, of the prices and particular conditions of the sale and performance of the services before any conclusion of the sales contract.

In all cases, the total amount due by the Buyer is indicated on the confirmation page of the subscription to the offer. The selling price of the service is the one in force on the day of the subscription. The Seller reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, while guaranteeing the application of the price indicated at the time of subscription.
The Seller undertakes to honour the offer chosen by the Customer

The duration of the validity of the offer of the services as well as their prices is specified on the Company's website, as well as the minimum duration of the proposed contracts when these relate to a continuous or periodic service. Except under special conditions, the rights granted hereunder are only granted to the natural person who signs the offer (or the person who holds the email address communicated).

Article 12: Compliance

In accordance with Article L.217-4, the seller delivers a service that conforms to the contract and is responsible for any defects in conformity that exist at the time of delivery. He is also responsible for the installation and configuration of the service when these have been put at his charge by the contract or has been carried out under his responsibility.

Article 13: Complaints and mediation

If necessary, the buyer can present any complaint by contacting the company by means of the following coordinates:
In accordance with the provisions of art. L. 611-1 to L. 616-3 of the Consumer Code, the consumer is informed that he/she may have recourse to a consumer mediator under the conditions provided for in Title I of Book VI of the Consumer Code.
In the event of failure to file a claim with the Seller's customer service, or in the absence of a response within two months, the consumer may submit the dispute to a mediator who will attempt, in complete independence, to bring the parties together with a view to obtaining an amicable solution.

Article 14: termination of the contract

The subscription to the offer can be cancelled by the buyer by e-mail with a request for acknowledgement of receipt or by unsubscribing from his personal space until the anniversary date of his subscription. After this date, the subscription will be tacitly renewed without any possibility of reimbursement.

Article 15: Protection of personal data

In accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, the Seller implements a processing of personal data which has for its purpose the sale and delivery of services defined in this contract. The Buyer is informed of the following elements:

  • the identity and contact details of the data controller and, where applicable, of the data controller's representative: the Seller, as indicated at the top of these GTC;
  • the contact details of the data protection officer: Esteban MATHIEU
  • the legal basis of the processing: contractual execution
  • the recipients or categories of recipients of personal data, if any: the data controller, its marketing departments, the departments in charge of IT security, the department in charge of sales, delivery and ordering, the subcontractors involved in delivery and sales operations as well as any authority legally authorized to access the personal data in question
  • no transfer outside the EU is planned
  • the duration of data retention: the time of the commercial prescription
  • the data subject has the right to request from the controller access to, rectification or erasure of personal data, or a restriction of the processing relating to the data subject, or the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability
  • The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
  • the information requested at the time of the order is necessary for the establishment of the invoice (legal obligation) and the delivery of the ordered services, without which the order cannot be placed. No automated decision or profiling is implemented through the ordering process.

Article 16: Competent Court

Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these general conditions of sale is subject to French law.
Failing amicable resolution, the dispute will be brought before the Commercial Court of Paris.